Hear Rev. Marvin Harada at Vista Buddhist Temple
From Practical Buddhism to Truth Level Buddhism
with Rev. Marvin Harada
Saturday, Oct. 20, 2018
1:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m.
Rev. Marvin Harada of Orange County Buddhist Church, and supervising Minister of Vista Buddhist Temple
We seek to find what Buddhism can do for us in our life — will it help to ease our stress or make us happier? We all start with these questions, which reflect the practical level of Buddhism. This seminar will address these questions and then introduce the truth level of Buddhism.
What is a Tri-Temple Seminar? The Southern District of the Buddhist Churches of America provides modest financial support for one seminar each year that rotates among three Temples: Orange County, Vista, and Dan Diego. These are the three southernmost Temples in the Southern District, which includes southern California and Arizona.
About Our Speaker. Reverend Marvin Harada is the head minister at the Orange County Buddhist Church, co-director of the Center for Buddhist Education in Berkeley, and author of Discovering Buddhism in Everyday Life, a compilation of essays written over his first 25 years as a Shin Buddhist minister. He holds degrees from the University of Oregon, the Institute of Buddhist Studies in Berkeley, and Ryukoku University in Kyoto, Japan. An engaging and popular speaker, he excels at making the Buddhist teachings relevant to our everyday life.
150 Cedar Rd., Bldg. B
Vista, CA 92083
Ph: (760) 941-8800
This seminar is free to all participants and is sponsored by the Southern District Buddhist Education Committee. To obtain a headcount, we ask that you register by either emailing or calling the Vista Buddhist Temple at vbt@vbtemple.org or (760) 941-8800. Please provide the following information: (1) your name; (2) the name of your temple, if applicable; (3) your email address or phone number; and (4) names of other attendees.