"Buddha Nature" Lecture at Vista Buddhist Temple Sunday, Feb. 24

Rev. Jon Turner will be speaking at the Vista Buddhist Temple on Sunday, Feb. 24, from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m., on “Buddha Nature & the Nirvana Sutra: The Positive Side of Buddhism.” Registration is required (you can download the flyer and registration form below).

Registration Form/Flyer

This class will present the concept of Buddha Nature. It is a more positive approach concerning the truth of impermanence. Buddha Nature also serves as a basis or justification for sudden enlightenment, and that all beings are Buddhas even though they do not know it yet. In other words, there are no ontological requirements for enlightenment. It is a matter of seeing — not a matter of changing — our being. It is not something earned but something realized. We will be discussing the Larger Sutra, and the Nirvana Sutra. (Sutras are texts that convey the Buddha’s meaning.)

About Rev. Jon Turner

Rev. Turner’s Buddhist Path began in 1999 when he and his family began attending the Orange County Buddhist Church (OCBC). He progresses through the minister’s assistant program; graduated with a master’s degree in Buddhist Studies from the Institute of Buddhist Studies in Berkeley, California; received his initial tokudo ordination in 2010 and full ordination as a kiyoshi minister in 2012. In 2017 he became a full-time minister in 2012. In 2017 he became a full-time minister at OCBC after retiring from a 35-year career as a computer programmer. In his own words, In his own words… “Throughout this time, I studied and practiced Buddhism very diligently. I have also made every mistake one can make in understanding Buddhism. As a result, I think these experiences have helped me become a better teacher. This has helped me know where and how to avoid the potholes when studying Buddhism in America because I have already stepped in all of them.” His humorous and down-to-earth speaking style make him a popular speaker.