Informal Workshop on Obutsudan (Buddhist Shrines) on Saturday, June 15

Obutsudan Workshop

Develop a Home Buddhist Shrine

Saturday, June 15
1 p.m. to 3 p.m.
Sangha Hall

2019-06-Replete Obutsudan.png

The Temple’s Buddhist Education Committee is providing an informational workshop on Obutsudan or home Buddhist shrines so you can start your shrine right away . Did you know you could start with even less, but just four items can be used to cover the basics:

  • An image of Amida Buddha or the Kanji for the Nembutsu

  • A candle

  • A flower

  • A bowl in which to burn incense

All attendees to get handouts with graphics detailing the above and discussion around

  • Setting up the simplist informal shrine.

  • How to expand it into a modest informal shrine.

  • What are the components of a modest formal shrine.

  • What are the components of the most comlete formal shrine.

  • How the larger traditional home shrines included stand-alone honyo holders that look like miniature shrnes themselves.

All of these shrines have their benefits, and there is every reason to start wherever you are now, from scratch or from partial elements shared by a family member.

Come for information and discussion as we supply examples of

  • Formal and informal shrines

  • How the shrine is meant to be used

  • Tips on cleaning and maintaining the shrine

  • How the shrine can bring stability to home life

Please join us for this fun and informal workshop, to be led by Bill Teague and special guest Kenji Sensei, schedule allowing.

A Reminder Flyer Can Be Downloaded Here