Our Online Hanamatsuri Service with Kenji Sensei and Rev. Adams as Guest Speaker

The Temple is happy to provide our Online Hanamatsuri Service, under the auspices of our Resident Minister, Rev. Dr. Kenji Akahoshi, and with special Guest Speaker, Rev. Henry Adams of the San Mateo Buddhist Temple.

Hanamatsuri Adult Service

Here is the full adult service. Kenji Sensei welcomes us and explains the importance of continuing our spriritual togetherness especially in a time of social isolation. Adams Sensei provides a deep and meaningful message on the importance of Hanamatsuri in English with a summary in Japanese toward the end) or see an edited video focusing on the Japanese content below.

Dharma School Message

Here is the separate special message from Adams Sensei for the Dharma School

Edited Adult Message Highlighting Japanese Language Content

As a convenience for our Japanese Speakers, here is an edited version of the adult presentation that goes more directly to the Japanese language portion.

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