BTSD Scholarship Applications Now Available for the 2021-2022 School Year


The Temple is now accepting applications for its two memorial scholarships!

The Ben Honda Memorial Graduating High School Graduate Scholarship and the Tetsuyo Kashima Memorial Continuing Education Scholarship are available for children or grandchildren of Temple members (or those who may be dues-paying members themselves). Both scholarships are named after two beloved members who helped the Temple grow and thrive in the Post-War period.

This year, the Scholarship Committee decided to update its format and use Google Forms for the applications. Please click on one of the two links above to take you to the forms. If you need the application in a different format (hard copy, electronic PDF format, etc.), please feel free to contact the Temple, and one of the committee members will fulfill your request.

Online Application Forms


Applications are due on July 1, 2021. For additional information, please see the article in the May Bussei Script.