Free Workshops Part of BCA National Council Meeting

Workshops for Strength in Sangha

Did you know? As part of the BCA National Council Meeting, workshops and the Eitaikyo Service are open to all delegates, BCA members, and interested guests.  No registration is needed to attend.

Workshop Website — No Registration Required

On the website, virtual session links will take you to the workshops when they are in session. Preregistration is not required.

Click here for a listing of the workshops on March 5, and the Eitaikyo Service on Sunday, March 13, with Dharma Talk by San Diego’s retired Kenji Sensei.

Sessions are open to BCA members/affiliates and the public.   All workshops are on March 5

Saturday, March 5, 10:15 AM PST

Town Hall Meeting,  "Messaging and Membership," with Rev. Marvin Harada, BCA Bishop

The Town Hall will focus on how to grow our membership, one of the greatest challenges that faces our BCA, local churches and temples. It will feature a variety of speakers on the topics of messaging, digital outreach, creating a strategy for growing membership, meditation as a way to reach new people, the importance of a Buddhist education program, Dharma recovery as a way to help people and grow your Sangha, and being a warm and welcoming Sangha.

1:00 PM PST, Presentation, “To Protect Our Youth and Those Who Serve Them,” with Terri Omori, BCA President Elect

This workshop will share information regarding policies and procedures to protect our youth and those who serve them.  Information will include how to develop and initiate policies and procedures, examples of policies, resources for assistance and information regarding the process to comply with the new California Assembly Bill 506. 

Presenters include 

  • Robert Tomooka – Orange County Buddhist Church

  • Koichi Sayano – Federation of Dharma School Teachers’ League

  • Darlene Bagshaw – Buddhist Church of Stockton

 2:00 PM PST, “Enhancing Temple services and Engaging Your Sangha through Music”

Presenters include Kemi Nakabayashi, chairperson, with supporting members of the BCA Music Committee

From the summer of 2020 to the present, participants across the BCA worked together to form and develop the BCA Music Committee.  This overview informational BCA Music Committee workshop is intended to provide some “how to” ideas and resources for the sanghas, large and small, to support temple services and engage children, teenagers, young adults, and the young at heart.  Q&A and discussions time will be included to develop and plan subsequent focused webinar programs, such as “How to make a gatha video.”

3:00 PM PST, Endowment Foundation - Dharma Forward, with Michiko Inanaga

The BCA has initiated a long-term fundraising campaign to fund capital needs and provide for the long-term sustainment of its educational, outreach, and propagation efforts.  This workshop will cover Campaign goals, messaging, strategy, and tax-advantaged methods for donors to support the Campaign.  Senior fundraising representatives from BCA and IBS will be on hand to answer questions on strategic plans that will be funded by Campaign proceeds including faculty endowments at IBS, BCA investments in technology and outreach, ministerial support, and facility needs.

4:00 PM PST, Endowment Foundation 

Koichi Sayano and Steve Terusaki

The BCA Endowment Foundation has offered custodial account services to temples and organizations since 2000 to enable them to participate in managed investments with the financial managers retained by the Foundation.  Custodial accountholders can access most of the investment options used by BCAEF to manage BCA, IBS, and legacy Endowments that fund key programs.  The workshop will include a presentation on market trends, custodial account management, risk mitigation, and advantages of having a balanced financial portfolio and will focus on the value and benefits of investing temple funds with the Endowment Foundation.  Representatives from Angeles Investments, BCA’s financial advisor, will provide insights into their current assessment of the market, and how it is reflected in their recommendations on investment strategies for the Endowment Foundation’s various portfolio accounts.  There will be time for Questions and Answers after the presentation.

Sunday, March 13, 10:00 AM PDT*  BCA Eitaikyo Perpetual Memorial Service and Installation of BCA Executive Board & Ministers’ Association

Guest Speaker:  Rev. Kenji Akahoshi, BCA Minister Emeritus, Southern District - San Diego

 The Eitaikyo Perpetual Memorial Service is held in appreciation and respect for all those departed members who supported and assisted our temples and who wished to ensure the continuation of Shinran Shonin's teachings. This annual event will have participants from all BCA temples throughout the United States. We welcome you to join us for this important event.

*Daylight Savings Time starts Sunday, March 13.

Zoom Video Tutorials

The website also  includes a video on using Zoom.