Join Us for Nirvana Day with Rev. John Hughes, of Longmont Buddhist Temple


JOIN US for this major service in which we commemorate the death of Shakyamuni Buddha and his entry into Para-Nirvana. Nirvana Day is also known as Nehan-E. The service allows us to express our gratitude for the Buddha’s accomplishment and his living teachings.
Rev. Laverne Shidou Imori will officiate and welcome special guest Rev. John Hughes of the Longmont Buddhist Temple. Rev. Hughes will provide Dharma Messages for Dharma School and Adults. Kimberly Kruse will chair the service, with musical accompaniment by Ann Ong, organist. Learn more about Rev. Hughes below.

If you are not able to join in person, we plan to livestream the service in real time on our YouTube channel page.

       Optional: 9:15 a.m., BTSD Chanting Group, New members welcome.
10:00 a.m. Nehan-E or Nirvana Day .Service
10:40 a.m. Dharma School students excused for a craft actvity.
11:30 a.m. or later, the service will conclude, followed by hospitality 
in our dining room one floor below the Hondo on the  Office Level..

COVID PRECAUTIONS: Masks are required to enter the Hondo and are recommended for all other indoor areas. We may ask for contact information only to alert you if we learn later of a possible exposure.

We hope to connect with you on Sunday! If you are not able to join us in person, please check for our livestream of the service, starting at 10 a.m. on our YouTube Channel at

The more the merrier.
Please feel free to send a link to your friends and family. 

All ages are welcome to join in-person without prior registration.


January 29, 2023 Livestream Dharma Service, with Rev. Hōkai Smitty Smith, Officiating
January 22, 2023 Livestream Dharma Service ("Resilience") Bill Teague, Minister's Assistant

COMING NEXT SUNDAY — Don’t Miss Visit from Bishop Harada

February 19, Buddhist Women’s Association Memorial Service, with Bishop Marvin Harada as special guest speaker and Rev. Hōkai "Smitty" Smith officiating. The service will also include the confirmation of Arturo Rubio, Sharon Sasaki, and Yukari Williams, as Certified Minister’s Assistants.

The service will begin at 10 a.m.


February 25, Scout Sunday, Rev. Laverne Imori with MA Kaytee Sumida, Adult Discussion

About Rev. John Hughes

Rev. Hughes’ first introduction to Buddhism started with reading the novel Siddhartha by Herman Hesse when he was in high school. Rev. John’s formal introduction to Buddhism occurred in the spring of 1971 while serving in the U.S. Army as a clerk with the 3rd Armored Division Headquarters in Frankfurt, Germany. This introduction was in the Nichiren school.

 After several decades of not being affiliated with any tradition, Rev John started attending services at the Longmont Buddhist Temple in 2011. Just a few months after first attending LBT, he asked Rev. Carol O’Dowd if he could become a Minister’s Assistant. Rev. Hughes was first certified as a BCA Minister’s Assistant and later received Tokudo ordination in 2016 in Kyoto, Japan. He has served as the sensei at Longmont since that time, under the supervision of the resident minister at Denver/Tri-State Temple.

 Born Roman Catholic in Montrose, CO, Rev John is the oldest son in a family of 5 boys and 2 girls. He spent his childhood herding sheep, riding horses and in the mountains hunting, fishing and skiing. Rev John and his wife, Nancy Edmonds, have a combined 5 children and 8 grandchildren, all of whom live within twenty miles of their home in Firestone, CO. They are fortunate to spend much of their time with their grandchildren at sporting events, plays, concerts and just enjoying their company. Coming out of COVID, the market for his business had collapsed, and in April 2022, Rev Hughes closed his business and retired, allowing him to dedicate more time to the LBT sangha.