RESTORED: Rev. Smitty & June Shotsuki Hoyo

Please Note: An equipment failure truncated our livestream of this event. Thanks to Breven Honda for restoring the full video from the cameras that were running for the service. Now Shotsuki families can see the full service.


Please click on the image to start the recording.

The earlier version of this post, announcing the service ahead of time, follows if of interest.

Option: Please join us tomorrow (Sunday, June 11) for Chanting at 9:15 a.m. in the Hondo. All are welcome.

Service Starts at 10 a.m.

Our Sunday Dharma Service and Shotsuki Hoyo (monthly memorial) starts at 10 a.m., with the ringing of the Kansho or welcoming bell.

Rev. Smitty will welcome you to our Temple for a Dharma message aimed at young and old. Breven Honda will be Service Chair. Rev. Laverne Imori will offer a Japanese Howa (Dharma Message),

Please Note:

  • Dharma School classes will meet in the Annex Hall this Sunday when excused from the main service. Dharma School teacher Norman Kiyono will provide background on our Obon and Hatsubon traditions.

  • The following Sunday will be our Annual Father's Day at Rohr Park, a short service will be held there, but not at the temple.

Hospitality. Please join us for light refreshments in the Dining Hall (Office level) following the service for relaxation and conversation with other Sangha members. This starts following the service.

Livestream. If you are not able to join in person, we plan to livestream the service in real time on our YouTube channel page


This weekend is the cut-off to sign up as a player in our Annual Golf Tournament in Mission Valley at the Riverwalk Golf Club.  The tournament takes place on Sunday, June 25. For a registration form, click HERE.

To support the BTSD Golf Tournament you can do so in a most tasty way by participating in the next Panda Express fundraiser.  You can find that information HERE

Panda Express Fundraiser Friday, June 16