More Photos from Cherry Blossom Festival
We expect to have more photos yet, but in the meanwhile many thanks to Temple members and Dharma Friends for these images of the festival. Please enjoy.
Photo courtesy of Sangha Member TBA.
This small cherry tree, between the brook and the path, shows how the trees were in fine bloom and survived the rain.
Photo courtesy of Joyce Teague.
Rev. Laverne Imori organized and presided over the Buddhist Temple of San Diego’s information booth in the upper level Exhibit Hall. She was there all three days of the Festival (March 10 through 12), greeting visitors and sharing free material. Volunteers keeping her company incuded LuAnn Lee, Arturo and Lourdes Rubio, and Bill and Joyce Teague. At the end of the last day we had distributed many free books on Buddhism, and even more handouts on our Temple. Thanks, Laverne Sensei!
Photos of Taiko and Odori Performance
For this section all photos are courtesy of Kevin Nuibe, who had a front row seat to the performances.