BTSD Taiko Workshops in October
Are you curious about what it feels like to hit the big taiko drum? Are you in need of a good workout for your body and mind? Are you ready to form wonderful friendships and have fun? Great! Then these taiko workshops are for you!
Taiko Workshops for Beginners
Buddhist Temple of San Diego Taiko is offering a 3-week workshop series for children and adults. Classes are free to temple members and $10 per session for non-members. Participants will be split into three groups: ages 4 to 7, 8 to 13, high school students and adults.
Workshop Dates
Sundays, Oct. 1, 8, and 22
9 to 9:45 a.m., Ages 4 to 7, 8 to 13
Noon to 1 p.m., High school students and adults
If you would like to register or have any questions, please contact Chelsey at by Sept. 22.