Your Presence Respectfully Requested for Afternoon Tea

The Buddhist Women’s Association invites you to its second ever Afternoon Tea on Saturday May 3, from two to 5 p.m., in Temple Annex Hall.

WHAT: BWA BENEFIT FUNDRAISER AFTERNOON TEA (for 100th Anniversary and Annex Hall updates)

WHEN: Sat. May 3, 2:00-5:00 PM

DEADLINE: April 20, 2025

WHERE: BTSD Annex Hall (top floor of two-story building in the Southeast corner)
2929 Market Street, San Diego, California

WHY: Benefit Fundraising Afternoon Tea to celebrate the temple’s 100th Anniversary and fund the renovation of the Annex Social Hall.

HOW TO REGISTER: Use our online form by clicking here. Or call as shown:
Junko at (858) 722-9655 or
Sue at (858) 699- 8876

COST: $50 per person.

PAYMENT: Payment may be made by cash (at Temple), check payable to BTSD BWA with note “ Tea”, credit card. or Pay Pal (include “Tea” in memo field).

Mail checks to: Buddhist Temple of San Diego
2929 Market Street
San Diego, CA 92102

Seating is limited, so please register early to join this select event.