World Kamishibai Forum, Feb. 15-16, Free in San Diego
Free with Registration, the World Kamishibai Forum will convene in San Diego for two days of demonstrations, performances, and workshops. Organizers welcome teachers, librarians, storytellers, and all Kamishibai fans to attend. The Forum takes place at the San Diego Central Library, 300 Park Blvd., here in San Diego.
What is Kamishibai?
紙 - kami = paper 芝居 = shibai = theatre or play
Kamishibai performers use an easel, paper cutouts, and pictures to captivate audiences along with narration and voicework.
For Free Registration
You can register here, using the Registration link here, but first visit the Write Out Loud website for more information.
Familiar Face in San Diego
Walter Ritter of Write Out Loud
The Buddhist Temple of San Diego knows kamishibai primarily thanks to the performances of Walter Ritter, of Write Out Loud, who in recent years has become a fixture at our Annual Japanese Cultural Bazaar. Ritter is also the co-founder, with Donna Tamaki, of the Forum.
Kamishibai Artist from Around the World
San Diego’s own Ritter will speak at the forum along with other artists from the United States, Japan, and Peru. They include
Fumiko Araki (aka Bunchan), Tokyo, Japan
Pepe Cabana Kojachi (aka. Mukashi, Mukashi), Lima, Peru
Mimoto Fumiyo (aka Piman), Osaka, Japan
Tara M. McGowan, Vermont, USA
Donna Tamaki, New York, USA
Saturday, February 15, 2025
9:30-10:00Registration, Coffee hour
10:00-10:45Welcome, introductions and a demonstration by Dr. Tara M. McGowan, World Kamishibai Forum Co-director, author Kamishibai Classroom
11:00-1:00 Workshops by international presenters:*
Kamishibai performance techniques with Araki Fumiko (a.k.a. Bunchan)
Creating your own kamishibai, teaching children how to make kamishibai with Mimoto Fumiyo (a.k.a. Piman)
Implementation: Where and how kamishibai can be used with Pepe Cabana Kojachi (a.k.a. Mukashi, Mukashi)
1:00-2:00*** Lunch
2:00-5:30 Performances & workshops by international presenters
Evening*** “No-host” dinner Bali Hai Restaurant
*Already registered? Please let us know your workshop preferences:
Sunday, February 16, 2025
Open-mic kamishibai performances.
Bring your original kamishibai story or perform published stories.
Note: Separate registration is required for Sunday’s open-mic performances.
Save your spot!
Register for Open-Mic Performances
Open to the public, including children. Stages will be provided.
Learn more about the Kamishibai Forum at the Write Out Loud website.