DECEMBER 18: Join Us for Sunday Dharma Service at 10 a.m.

Please join us in-person for a simple Sunday service to relax and recharge. If your schedule allows, stay to help us spruce up the Temple for the New Year. (See below for more information.)
Ministers Assistant Sharon Sasaki will be Dharma leader with the Dharma School's High School chairing the service.
Can't attend in person? Hopefully, we will livestream the service in real time on our YouTube channel.

OPTIONAL: 9:15 BTSD Chanting Group. Open to all.
10:00 a.m. Dharma Service
11:00 a.m. or sooner, the service and livestream end so we can join together to spruce up the Temple for the New Year. Note that there will be no individual Dharma School classes or Adult Discussion Class as a result.

Temple Clean-up. If you can stay for the clean-up, we can help you find an appropriate job. Just let us know.

Recent Note from Ralph Honda, BTSD Operations Manager:

Thank you very much to all of you, along with your organization members and friends, for participating in mochitsuki last Sunday. Despite the wet weather, it was a nice return for the Sangha to gather and make mochi for the new year. An outstanding effort by everyone!

This is a friendly reminder that following this Sunday's service, there will be temple cleaning as we spruce up the facilities for the new year. Some of you may have shared the information with your members. If you have not, here is a summary of what is in store for the cleaning day:

      What: Temple cleanup
      When: Sunday, December 18
      Time: Following the Dharma Service (no Dharma School classes or adult discussion).

      Areas that need attention:

        Main building
           Onaijin: MA's will clean articles and vacuum naijin and stage
           Hondo: Vacuum carpet, vacuum pews, polish pew wood backing.
           Blinds: Dusting
           Refrigerators: Toss outdated foods
           Nursery: Wipe down toys, vacuum carpet, straighten room, recycle unwanted toys.

           Classrooms 1, 3 and 6-7 -- Dharma School staff, students and parents.will clean.

       What to bring

            Feather dusters
            Handheld vacuum

Hopefully, with enough help, the cleanup day should not take more than two hours. There will be a light lunch served to the volunteers.

In advance, thank you very much for taking time from your busy Sunday to make the temple sparkle!




WARM CLOTHING DRIVE ENDS SUNDAY!  Donate new items or check your closets for warm coats, jackets, hats, and gloves that you no longer need. Please bring them to the Temple for donation to Streets of Hope to share with the homeless. Learn More here.


COVID PRECAUTIONS: Masks are required to enter the Temple and remain indoors. We may ask for contact information only to alert you if we learn later of an exposure.


We hope to .see you on Sunday! If you are not able to join us in person, please check for our livestream of the service, starting at 10 a.m., on our YouTube Channel at