Special Offer for New Temple Members in 2023

Our Board Reaches Out

Until further notice we are offering our long-time Dharma friends a special introductory rate to join us as full members of the Temple.

Bringing on New Members for our Next 100 Years

As we get to our centennial year in 2026, we invite more people to join us in celebrating the Dharma. The Temple Board has approved this effort to make it easier for those of you who are interested consider joining with us.

Compare the Difference

In this plan we provide two steps before rates catch up with the standard rate (which we call the Dana level of membership). The rate starts at a deep discount and works its way up to the expected current rate for the third year. We provide th discount by individual adult or by nuclear family or couple.


* Note that this schedule may be adjusted in future years if the Board changes the standard rates. However, so far the Board has successfully kept our dues stable for at least five years and is dedicated to do the same in the future.

Download the Form

See for yourself. Learn more by clicking here to download the form.

You can download the form, fill it out, and mail it, or email it, or take a photo on you cellphone and send it to us.


Please contact the Temple or reach out to Bill Teague, Membership Chair, at btcomms@cox.net or 619-248-3749.