Save Oct. 10 for a Drive-Through Celebration

For Health and safety, our 95th Anniversary will be a drive-through event filled with significance.

It will happen on Sunday, October 10, from 12 noon to 2 p.m. Temple members and Dharma friends are encouraged to drive to the Temple, enter on 29th Street, and exit on Market. If you have attended one of our Yasukochi fundraisers, you know what to expect.


Here are just a few reasons you don’t want to miss it.

  • See the Temple’s new paint job! For our 95th Anniversary we are undertaking a repainting of the exterior of our main Temple building. The colors and design will be the same as before with a few minor updates. Painting will be taking place over the next few weeks.

  • Special anniversary bento! Available for pre-order, our gochiso bentos will be ready for pickup. Both vegetarian and nonvegetarian bentos are available. Order deadline is September 23, so order yours now.

  • Personal greetings with Kenji Sensei and Karen Akahoshi. Our resident minister and partner will be there to greet you, and this gives each of us an opportunity to wish them both well in the next chapter of their lives. Sensei is retiring, and they re moving back to San Jose to be even more loving grandparents to their special young ones.

  • And much more. More details will be forthcoming from our 95th Anniversary Committee, so stay tuned.

Farewell Party for Sensei

Although it will be rescheduled for what we hope are safer times in 2022, the party is something we could not go without. Kenji Sensei and Karen have assured us they will be happy to come back to San Diego for such a happy event. In the meanwhile, we will use the drive-through celebration to make sure we express our gratitude and send the happy couple off in style.