Temple Scholarship Forms Due July 1

Although uncertainty may still remain as to whether campuses in Fall will be offering on-campus or distance learning, the Temple’s desire to help support our Temple scholars remains…

BTSD 2020-2021 Academic Scholarship Applications
Available for Temple Scholars, Due July 1

Bill Teague, Outgoing Chair


The Temple offers two scholarships to applicants who are sons and daughters of Temple members (or who may be dues-paying members themselves).

What. Two scholarships are available.

How. The application forms can be downloaded from the links above. Or, if you prefer, paper forms can be mailed from the Temple by request or by email attachment. (Note: Files are in RTF format which work across most word processing software.) These forms were posted in our forms section earlieer this month.
When and Where. Applications are due at the Temple office July 1, either as a hard copy or sent via email attachment. Awards will be presented during the 2020 Obon Service on Sunday, July 26, whether virtually (if we still under social distancing mandate) or in person.

Who. These memorial scholarships are named after two beloved members who helped the Temple grow and thrive in the Post-War period, both of whom passed away far too soon in the mid-1990s.

Why. We encourage all qualified applicants to apply. Scholarships help with costs when every little bit helps, and they distinguish resumes when graduates apply for jobs and opportunities.

Beyond Academics. When travel resumes and other temples or the Jodo Shinshu Center offer events, a portion of Scholarship funds are available to offset costs of deepening your understanding of Jodo Shinshu.

Please contact the Temple office for more details.