One of Ten Best! Kenji Sensei's Article in "Tricycle" Magazine

Tricyle Editors Identify Rev. Kenji Akahoshi’s Article Among Ten Best All Year

His Article, “Shin Buddhism: A Path of Gratitude“ Promoted in Recent Email to Subscribers

Note: This screen grab of Sensei’s article has been adjusted with some type resized and repositioned to fit available space and to improve legiblility.

Note: This screen grab of Sensei’s article has been adjusted with some type resized and repositioned to fit available space and to improve legiblility.

We congratulate Kenji Sensei for furthering the Dharma and improving understanding of Shin Buddhism with this new national recognition of his article.

By email dated December 18, 2020, the editors of Tricycle broadcast the Tricycle community with a notice under the subject, “2020: The Year in Buddhist Wisdom,” Sense’s article from August was identified as one of the best of the year.

“We’ve compiled our top 10 articles of 2020 …,” the editors wrote. “We hope they may serve as a source of reflection, inspiration, and comfort through the winter holidays.”

We expect the list to be published soon on the Tricycle website and will provide a link when available.

Sensei’s name appeared alongside such well-published names as Stephen Batchelor, Clark Strand, Ken McLeod, and others. One of the top ten articles was an interview with Tina Turner.

Where Can I Read the Article?

As Posted in Tricycle. The article is on the Tricycle website free to subsccribers and other visitors who have not exceeded their monthly limit of free articles.

“Shin Buddhism: A Path of Gratitude”

As Posted on Our Website. If you are unable to access Tricycle, we have posted a straight textual conversion of the article for your convenience.

Read the transcript here.

Again, congratulations to Kenji Sensei on this acknowledgment of the importance of his message.