2020 Winter Clothing Donations: Another Successful Drive


The Buddhist Temple of San Diego, and its Dana Group, would like to thank all the temple members and Dharma friends who so generously donated warm clothing for San Diego’s homeless population last year. Throughout the months of November and December many donations (jackets, sweaters, sweatshirts, blankets, etc.) were dropped off at our temple. We also received a large amount of donations during our last Yasukochi event on December 5th.  

So many donations were received that it took two trips to deliver everything to Streets of Hope, the organization that will be distributing them to the homeless in downtown San Diego. Thanks to the generosity of our temple members and friends those who live on the streets can keep warm during this winter season. 

We may have officially concluded our yearly Winter Clothing Donation Drive, but we will still accept clothing and toiletry donations throughout the year. The Buddhist Temple of San Diego will continue to support the community through Streets of Hope and Rachel’s Women’s Center. 

In Gassho, 

Namo Amida Butsu 


Just practice good, do good for others, without thinking of making yourself known so that you may gain reward. Really bring benefit to others, gaining nothing for yourself.     

Dōgen Zenji 

DanaArturo Rubio