Eitaikyo Service with Rev. Kenji Akahoshi Presiding, Novmember 15

Eitaikyo Message from Special Guest Speaker Rev. Koho Takata

Rev. Dr. Kenji Akahoshi presides at our Eitakikyo service, chanting Sambujo and introduces guest speaker Rev. Koho Takata, West Los Angeles Buddhist Temple, for the Dharma message in English and Japanese.

In this video, Takata Sensei invokes a passage from Shinran’s Hymn to the Masters, as follows.

The ocean of Birth and Death, of painful existence,
knows no bounds; only by the ship of Amida’s universal vow
can we, who have long been drowning,
unfailingly be brought across it.

About Rev. Takata. Rev. Takata has a distinguished international career, coming from a long line of Jodo Shinshu ministers and serving in Japan before continuing his ministry in Hawaii and now the mainland United States.

To see the Japanese message directly click here.