Kenji Sensei on Experiencing Nembutsu in This Life

The Nembutsu is our Middle Path to resolving the perceived dualities in this life, Kenji Sensei tells us, in this important video.

“We are ntot just meant to recite the Nembutsu,” Sensei tells us, but also to experience the Nembutsu.”

The Dharma message caps others earlier this month on the topic of duality.


Also released at the same time as Kenji Sensei’s Dharma is the first in a series of occasional videos in Spanish. The videos are being developed under the supervision of Kenji Sensei as a way to honor our tradition and share it with our community.

Many of you know that from the start of our history in 1926, Temple members lived in, or were raised in Mexico. In many cases Japanese was their first language, Spanish their second, and English their third.

Listen to “Budismo Historia y Conceptos Basicos” from Arturo Rubio-Torres, here.

Arturo Rubio es un estudiante de budismo desde hace mucho tiempo y es miembro de la junta directiva del Templo Budista de San Diego. En "Budismo: Historia y Conceptos Básicos" comienza con el Buda histórico, Siddhartha Gautama. Este video es el primero de una serie de videos ocasionales sobre el Budismo en Español.