Congratulations Kenji Sensei -- Latest Article in Tricycle!

Our own recently retired Kenji Sensei has yet another article published in the international Buddhist quarterly, Tricycle. The periodical is perhaps the most prominent of those focused on general Buddhism.

Our Sangha joins in congratulating Sensei on this achievement. His article, “Finding Spirit in the Ordinary,” was just published in the Winter 2021 issue (and online).

Link directly to the article here. Tricycle may vary its treatment of its free articles but if the link no longer works, please see our posting here.

In the pages of Tricycle, Kenji Sensei joins the handful of writers, Taitetsu Unno to Ken Tanaka to Jeff Wilson, who have helped American Buddhists learn of the existence of Jodo Shinshu and its importance in helping ordinary people — let alone its part in the history of American Buddhism.

In 2020, Tricycle published Kenji Sensei’s article, “Shin Buddhism: A Path of Gratitude.“ Kenji Sensei tells us that although he is now retired, he will be putting together his thoughts for a new book on the topic.