Photos from Imperial Valley, Saturday, May 27

On Saturday, May 27, a contingent of Sangha from the Buddhist Temple of San Diego joined Rev. Laverne Imori to pay respects and chant sutras at cemeteries in the Imperial Valley. The annual Memorial Day Weekend visitation represents the ties our Temple has with this area. Key Temple members grew up in the Imperial Valley, or had relatives who did, and the lovely altar in San Diego includes pieces from the Brawley and El Centro Temples.

Here are photos taken by some of those on the visitation.

The visitation group included Rev. Laverne, Junko Kajita, Aileen (Itsuko) and Kiyo Kawasaki, Nancy Martinez, and Keiko Negoro. Also pictured is Imperial Valley’s Tim Asamen. The group expressed gratitude to Tim for hosting them at the Imperial Valley’s Pioneer’s Park Museum and its Japanese section, to Ralph Honda for organizing the trip, and to Kiyo and Nancy for driving.

One attendee wrote, “I was humbled experiencing El Centro cemeteries and the Japanese section of the museum. Seeing my maternal grandparents’ names on the wall plaque made me think of so many thoughts. I haven't processed it yet.

“Traveling with all of you made the trip memorable. Thank you very much to each of you.”