Deadline Extended for Buddhist Retreat


The new deadline for Kenji Sensei’s retreat, June 21-23 is June 10 — see below on resending registration email

We are updating our article on this retreat because of two changes:

  • The new deadline

  • The Temple’s new email address

To repeat the earlier announcement, the retreat is called

Human Nature within Buddha Nature:
Waking up to a Path of Harmony

Rev. Dr. Kenji Akahoshi leads this summer retreat held at Yokoji Zen Mountain Center to explore the Shin path of harmony amid the challenges of contemporary life.

About the Retreat. In a phrase, the retreat aims to help you experience the perspective that makes ordinary life an extraordinary reality.

About Rev. Dr. Kenji Akahoshi. Kenji Sensei is Shin Buddhist minister with a background in transpersonal psychology, wilderness vision quests, personal growth and body-mind-spirit disciplines. He has been leading similar retreats since 1998.

About Yokoji Zen Mountain Center. This rustic retreat, near Idyllwild in the San Jacinto mountains, at other times of the year is a zen training facility. It is an ideal location for this Buddhist retreat. See for more information.


The New Deadline

  • Registration must be received by the Temple by Monday, June 10, 2019.

The New E-Mail Address

  • If you are contacting the Temple by Email, please use