"Buddhist Barbie" Blog Post on EVERYDAY BUDDHIST
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Is “Buddhist Barbie” a Thing?
Ricky Schlesinger, of our sister Temple in Vista, explains in a current article on the Everyday Buddhist blog.
In his post, he links the Dharma to the Barbie movie that has dominated the box office for over a month.
As for the doll shown, while not called “Buddhist Barbie,” this line of dolls is identified as the “Breathe with Me Barbie,” available in different looks and outfits. The good news is that breathing meditation is now represented among dolls, and even better, now some Barbie dolls can at least sit and bend. The doll is advertised as having 15 movable joints. The doll also comes with five different guided meditations for both the doll and the doll owner.
Note: Ricky Schlesinger is the President of the Vista Buddhist Temple, and coincidentally, the Vista Buddhist Temple Dharma School will be visiting our Temple for the service coming Sunday, Oct. 15.
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