TEMPLE MEMBERS, Register by Sept. 19 for the S.D. Conference -- PAY LATER

your Registration needed now

dEADLINE sEPT. 19 FOR oCT. 19 Conference

You can register by calling or emailing the Temple. There’s also a sign-up sheet in the office.


When you register, identify your worksyop choice — space is limited:

  1. Calligraphy

  2. Save the Date Scrolls

  3. Taiko

  4. 125th BCA Anniversary Gatha

Download Information Packet

Note: The conference runs from 9:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Click on image above for full schedule.


After you register, you can write or mail a check, pay cash or use your credit card at the Temple, or use our PayPal link above at “GIVE” in the menu. If using PayPal, please note that it is for registration fees. You can also email Ralph Honda,

Temple Members get a discount.

  • Dues-Paying Temple Members: $40.

  • All Others: $50.

Here’s your information packet — just click on image.

All the details you need to know are in our Conference Packet.

We’re hosting but will also need to register to attend.

More information will be shared when we will start a signup sheet in the office.

Guest Speakers are our Bishop, Rev. Harada for English, and for Japanese, Rev. Hibiki Murakami of the Los Angeles Betsuin.There are speakers, lunch, workshops, and special performances. See the schedule in the packet.

And did we mention The Grateful Cranes?

We’ve scheduled a performance by The Grateful Cranes who will sing us through the 125 year history of the Buddhist Churches of America. Don’t miss this special performance — available only to registered attendees. See the packet for more detail.