Thanks to All for Last Rummage Sale!
Last Rummage Sale a Success on Many Levels
Sunday, August 21, marked the end of an era. It was the last Temple Rummage Sale after more than four decades.
“Well, we did it.,” Rummage Sale cochair Nancy Martinez emailed the sale’s many volunteers shortly after the event. “After some difficult times in the past year +, the temple held a successful 2022 Rummage Sale this weekend.” The sale ran Saturday August 20 through Sunday, August 21.
Panoramic shot of the 2022 Rummage Sale courtesy of Roger Coppock.
“With the help of our generous donors and our hard-working volunteers, the sale [raised a significant amount] toward meeting our operating expenses.
“Volunteers spent many hours preparing for the sale, helping during the event and helping with clean up, providing meals, advertising, and many other tasks necessary to make the event go well,” Nancy continued.
“We truly appreciate everyone's good-natured efforts and the camaraderie. You made work fun! “
Thanking Volunteers
Nancy went on to thank the volunteers by name:
Aki, Ann O, Ann Y, Arturo, Benjamin, Bill, Breven, Carol, Carolyn, Cole, Debbie, Derek, Ed, Efton, Erik, Finn, Floyd, Fred, Gale, Garrick, Gheann, Glenn N, Glenn T, Gregg, Harold, Henry, Holly, Isaac, Jake, Jaime, Jamie, Jane, Janice, Jeanie, Joe, Joshua, Joyce, Junko, Kaytee, Kendall, Kiku, Kim, Laurie T, Laura Yo, Laurine, Laverne, Leslie, Linda C, Linda D, Linda R, Lindsay, LuAnn, Mary, Mariel, Michael, Mildred, Nancy M, Nancy N, Norman, Patty, Penelope, Ralph, Rose, Ruby D, Ruth, Sharon, Shirley, Susan, Steve, Suz, Tabo, Tim, Valerie, Victor, Wilbur, Yasuko, and Yuri.. (sincere apologies if I missed anyone)
Nancy encouraged Sangha members to send questions and suggestions to the Activity Committee (you can send via the Temple if you wish) before an upcoming Activities Committee meeting.
Photo couresy of Lindsey Inouye, photographer, and LuAnn Lee, phone. Taken following cleanup, many of our volunteers still here for the picture. Names read L-R
First Row (Kneeling/crouching): Ann., Nancy., Harold, Jamie, Junko, Norman, and Gregg.
Middle Row (Standing): Rose, Mildred, Laura, Carol, LuAnn, Ghean, Kaytee, Holly, Patty, Laurine, Sharon, Aki, and Tim.
Back Row (Standing) Glenn, Michael, Glenn, Yasuko, Joe, Eric, Derek, Isaac, Arturo, Floyd, Bill, and Garrick.
Levels of Success
One observer noted that the last sale was successful in many levels.
Financial. The Temple achieved larger than anticipated results over the two-day sale, all going to help our operations and keep our doors open.
Pride of Work. Our many volunteers try each year to make sure items are carefully presented and organized. Our last sale was no exception. We can take pride in the job done by all.
Community. Our loyal customers and neighbors purchased found useful items at bargain prices.
Feeding the Hungry. On Saturday, our participation in a canned food drive for the San Diego food bank received many donations. (See photo at end of article.)
Historical Significance
Especially as this is planned to be our last rummage sale, we want to take this time to look back. We can start by thanking all the members of the Adult Buddhist Association, which rallied young adults after World War II to help the Temple grow and thrive. It was the ABA members who started our Rummage Sale Tradition. This writer does not recall when the Rummage Sale started, but it may have been as early as the 1970s
As ABA members grew older and slowed down to enjoy their retirement, they passed the baton to the Temple Board. We believe this began in 2001 or so. Holly Hidinger and Nancy Martinez chaired for five years, Holly recalled.
In recent decades, while many people helped with Rummage Sale, we want to thank frequent Rummage Sale Chairs Holly Hidinger, Nancy Martinez, and Glenn Torio as representatives of all of the Temple members who donated their time for the annual sale.
Through the Rummage Sale we got to meet our neighbors and made many friends of repeat customers who looked forward to the sale every year. Unsold donations benefitted an outreach program in the Philippines, an orphanage in Tijuana, Rachels Women’s Shelter, the San Diego Humane Society, and other worthwhile organizations.
What Does the Future Hold?
We know and appreciate that Temple families have routinely saved items to donate to the Temple Rummage Sale, and that many of you will miss this opportunity to help the Temple with their items. The Activities Committee will likely discuss limited donation drives, as various projects will still require your donations, including the Silent Auction the Bon Again Asian Resale Shop, the White Elephant Shop, and the Dana Group. Again, please reach out to the Activities Committee (chair Glenn Torio or member Nancy Martinez) directly or via the Temple with your questions or suggestions.
Thanks for Help with Food Drive on Saturday
Special recognition was made by the San Diego Food Bank by email and press release, thanking the Temple for participating in the drive, which had multiple locations through San Diego County. In the photo below, volunteers Mary and Cole oversee the collection bin.