Ukraine Donation Drive Launched
Ukraine Donation Drive
The Ukraine conflict affects us all in some way. Let’s help any way we can.
As of 23 March 2022 the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) has recorded 2,685 confirmed civilian casualties in Ukraine as a result of the Russian invasion: 1,035 killed and 1,650 injured. OHCHR believes that the actual figures are considerably higher.
Although some talks between Ukraine and Russia have taken place recently, there have been no changes that suggest a permanent cease fire will take place any time soon. Because of this, Ukraine will still need aid from other countries, and this is where we all come in.
The Buddhist Temple of San Diego’s Dana Group is running a donation drive in support of Ukraine. This drive is running through April 25 and there are two ways that we can all help: monetary and in-kind donations.
Monetary Donations
If you wish to make a monetary donation (any amount helps) you can do so through this PayPal link. When you make a donation please make sure to state that it’s for the Ukraine Donation Drive. You will see a "+ Add special instructions to the BTSD” link to add a note.
If you prefer to write a check please mail it to Buddhist Temple of San Diego (2929 Market Street, San Diego CA 92102) or just drop it off there. Again, please add a note that the donation is for Ukraine.
Once the donation drive closes (April 25) BTSD will transfer all funds to the Buddhist Churches of America’s Social Welfare Fund, which in turn will forward them to UNICEF’s Ukraine Relief Fund. BCA has already sent $40,000 for Ukraine relief efforts and may be adding donations to whatever is collected by us and other temples for this cause.
To read Bishop Marvin Harada’s Reflections on the invasion of Ukraine please visit the BCA website.
To find out how UNICEF is helping children affected by the Ukraine conflict please visit their website.
In-Kind Donations
If you would prefer to make an in-kind donation here’s what you can drop off at our temple. These donations will then be taken to House of Ukraine in Balboa Park.
Medical supplies: Theraflu, any painkillers, needles (size 10 & 20), bandages.
Military supplies: Boots in good condition, gloves, military clothing (cold weather preferred), thermal blankets, duffel bags.
If you have any questions about in-kind donations please contact Arturo Rubio (
Shakyamuni Buddha taught us that everything’s connected. Indeed, the Ukraine conflict affects us all in some way. Let’s help in any way we can.
As one little candle lights another, so the light of Buddha’s compassion will pass from one mind to another mind endlessly.
In Gassho,
Dana Group