Panda Express Fri. Jan. 12 Supports Vista Temple BWA

Order Online and Help BWA Sisters in Vista

Delicious Panda Express awaits, and the Buddhist Women’s Association at the Vista Buddhist Temple gets 28% of any order in the United States using the right code.

On Friday, January 12, Vista Buddhist Temple’s BWA is partnering with Panda Express for an all-day virtual community event across the United States.

To support Vista’s BWA, just order online on the day of the event, Friday, January 12.

Click here to start.

Don’t forget the code! Enter the online code 917924, which is specific to the Vista BWA, to receive 28% of the net sales when the order is placed online and picked up from the store you order from. Panda Express has over 2,000 restaurants nationwide. Some provide delivery options.

Please share this opportunity with family, friends, and your neighbors, even if living outside of San Diego. All U.S. sales support the BWA at the Vista Buddhist Temple with this fundraising venture!

Don’t Forget the Code: 917924

Download our Flyer Here

Order Here (On January 12)