Nihongo De: "Amida Sama Is Always with Us" from Yukari Williams

Japanese Message from Ministerial Assistant Yukari Williams

As part of our September Shotsuki Hoyo Service, Kenji Sensei has asked Yukari Williams , Ministerial Assistant, to share her appreciation for Amida and the Nembutsu.

She writes

The summary of my message is as follows: I often forget that Amida is always with me. Undergoing my cancer treatments, I have experienced difficult times. I cried everyday. It was because I have forgotten that Amida was with me. I now recite nembutsu to remind myself that I’m with Amida, and there is absolutely nothing to worry about.

Mrs. Williams’ message is in Japanese, and Kenji Sensei looks to sponsor more talks im Japanese for members of our Sangha who speak the language, as well as many Shin Issei friends now liing in San Diego. Our guest speaker for the September 20 Ohigan is Ministerial Assistant Rev. Noriko Kawai, who will provide Dharma talks in both English and Japanese.