notes/Outline for
Dharma Message
August 2, 2020
ordinary truth – TRUE REALITY
Rev. Dr. Kenji Akahoshi
This text is not a transcript of the video posted elsewhere on our site, but rather the notes that formed the basis of the video presentation. Kenji Sensei does not read the script closely and may modify it in his presentation. We hope that the posting of the script will make Kenji Sensei’s message more accessible to all.
Good Morning.
Shotsuki Hoyo
First Sunday of August. Shotsuki service. Read the names of those who passed in the month of August. Oshoko at home altar or spend a moment of thought.
Dharma Message
Still in this nightmare of the pandemic.
153,000 Americans have died since February. Over 1,000 death/day.
5 months, 150 days after we knew about virus, more people are being infected.
Equivalent to 3 or 4 airplanes crashing every day.
We know how to correct this.
Follow guidelines. Isolate. Wear masks. Stay safe distance. Isolate. Wash hands.
One of the causes of suffering is ignorance.
- Right now, the most significant threat is that anyone of us could die because of this infection. Herman Cain – smiling at a Trump rally. No mask, close to others.
Wake up. Listen to medical experts. Not just bars or beaches.
Family gatherings can be place of infections. This year is different.
Fortunate that temple members are obeying guidelines. No deaths.
- This summer Obon season, recalling our loved ones who have died.
- Topic of life/death. Spirituality. Sacred in human life.
Usually take a break in August to allow ministers to vacation or return to Japan.
Since we haven’t had any physical gatherings, we will stay connected online.
- Continue Sunday video Dharma talks. Wed. Zoom Buddhism 123 discussions.
Unique time in American history. World event. August: Basics of life.
World virus pandemic. World economic challenge.
Many people are at home. Time to reflect on our lives. What is true, untrue.
How does my individual life affect my family? My neighbors, my state, country?
How is the world connected? What I buy, don’t buy affect my stores, other countries, world economy? What forces run the world? Corporations? Govt.?
Life?? What is the purpose? What is needed? What is wanted? What is REAL?
Challenge to Life. What is real? Life before. What will be our “new normal?”
Why religion? Why some people don’t need religion.
Time to ask what principles guide my life?
I often have a hard time writing these Dharma talks.
Trying to convey the thoughts of 13th & 16th century thoughts of Shinran & Rennyo that is relevant today. Illness and death were common experiences.
Death was not so much a problem now.
Except until the Corona virus came to be.
Probably in last 75 years, possibility of death at any age has never been so close.
Many people are not interested in talking about spirituality.
Especially among younger people, possibility of death not an issue.
As a Shin Buddhist minister, I want to share how valid the principles and practice of Shin Buddhism is in ordinary, practical life & the deeper need of a spiritual life.
Life is spiritual, sacred. TWO truths.
1. ordinary truth: conventional life. Horizontal
2. TRUE REALITY: spiritual. Vertical
Shinran says that “Only the Nembutsu is TRUE & REAL.” or TRUE REALITY.
ordinary truth: How we live our ordinary lives. It works most of the time.
ordinary truth: acquired in youth. Survival strategy.
Difficult to change. Significant: ordinary truth is Functional. But has limits.
1. Sun rises in the East and sets in the West.
TR: Earth is spinning around the sun.
2. Best looking boy or girl in high school would be best partner in life.
TR: Other qualities besides looks, sports, and popularity are best.
3. Winning the Lotto or having a lot of money will make me happy.
TR: People with most moneyàleast happy. Desire more.
Relationships are more important.
4. Material possessions & social status most desired.
TR: Good sense of self and in an accepted place in community.
TRUE REALITY: Spiritual Realm- answers to all questions.
Difficult to prove. Unseen.
Different dimension. Vertical. Not very specific.
May not be seen & accepted easily.
My job, as a minister, is to convince you that life is essentially spiritual.
However, most people live on the ordinary plane.
People are interested in ordinary truth. Conventional life.
Meditation is helpful in conventional life with stress reduction.
Mindfulness beneficial as it focuses on efficient production.
Gratitude as an introduction to Shin Buddhism.
“Please” to “thank you,” is helpful as an ordinary truth.
Also, Nembutsu leads us to the realm of TRUE REALITY.
Ordinary truth: is that we can see that each person is separate, independent.
Buddhist TRUE REALITY: anatman = no separate self. à Interdependence.
We are all connected by unseen force. Affect each other’s lives.
COVID-19; ordinary truth: Bars, restaurants, summer gatherings at beaches, family gatherings, churches. Important annual traditions.
TRUE REALITY: corona virus is active & contagious. TR overrides ordinary truths.
Pass among friends and relatives. May cause serious illness and death.
This pandemic may help us learn an important lesson.
Also, Black Lives Matter movement, Global Warming are unseen rip currents.
1st noble Truth: Disease, discontent, imbalance helps to wake us up.
Deeper truths of TRUE REALITY.
Interdependence. Equality of all. We affect each other’s lives.
Determine our future. Future of our children.
Nembutsu is True and Real.
My challenge is waking myself up.
Asking you to join me in helping me wake up from ordinary truth to TRUE REALITY
Thank you, “Na Man Da Bu,” can help us in ordinary life and
also access TRUE REALITY. It connects us with all those who have passed on.
It validates that we are still connected. And after each of us passes on, we will still be connected.
That is the value of Namo Amida Butsu. Eternal connection of past, present, future. Join me in expressing our deepest gratitude to those who have passed.
“Namo Amida Butsu”