Weekly Chanting to Be Offered on Zoom
Sangha Encouraged to Chant Shoshinge!
This important chant is also know by its full name as Shoshin Nembutsu Ge and is a summary of our tradition written by our founder himself, Shinran Shonin.
In mid-April, the Shoshin Nembutsu Ge and Wasan virtual chanting session began under the leadership of Rev. Laverne Imori and Rev. Maribeth “Smitty” Smith.
Since then, the chanting session has brought together a handful of Temple members each Saturday to recite “the Gatha of True Faith” written by Shinran Shonin, founder of our Jodo Shinshu Buddhist tradition. (The term gatha is used to identify a verse section of a longer Sutra and is applied to other verses of a Buddhist nature. We also call the short hymns we sing as gathas.)
Beginning in August, Sangha members will be invited to join the sessions on Saturdays starting at 1 p.m. Interested individuals are urged to contact the temple for the Zoom link information. Use email or phone — info@btsd.net or 619-239-0896.
For more information you can also visit our Shoshinge Resource page.
Please join the group regularly as we chant Shinran’s words of gratitude to Amida Buddha through the teachings of Sakyamuni Buddha and the Seven Masters.
Note: Slightly flexible start times. On a few occasions we may reschedule the start of a session until 1:15 or so when some of the Senseis have training that conflicts. We will announce those changes in advance.
Shoshin Ge Resource Page
Link coming soon.