DEVINE PASTABILITIES: Fundraiser for Four Days in August


ENJOY Salads and Pasta in a Garlic Roll

Save These Dates for Great Italian Food

August 3, 4, 10 and 11

You can support the Buddhist Temple of San Diego by ordering food at Devine Pastablities on one or more of these days.

The eatery is open from 11 a.m. to 8 p.m. You can call ahead at the number shown below.

Check out the full menu here.

Devine Pastabilities specializes in Torpastas and Torsalads, bringing together three of your favorites: torpedo sanwiches, pastas, and salad. To make this one-of-a-kind mean, delicious pastas or salads are stuffed into a toasted garlic roll.

Devine Pastabilities
(619) 523-544
3545 Midway Drive
San Diego, CA 92110

Important: Must Show Flyer

For the Temple to get the credit, please show the flyer when you order or pay for the food.

Download Flyer Here