Our MA Arturo Rubio, Tapped for Dial the Dharma en Español

We congratulate our own Arturo Rubio, Minister’s Assistant, on being asked by Bishop Marvin Harada to translate and record Bishop Harada’s weekly Dial the Dharma message in Spanish.


Although in the early days, Dial-the-Dharma was a toll call, it has long been toll-free at


Spanish Option Added to English and Japanese

For most of its operation, the phone program provided most of its messages in both English and Japanese. In a recent installment Harada Sensei explains his long-held hope to offer the message in Spanish too. Now callers can push 1 for English, 2 for Japanese, and 3 for Spanish.

BTSD Minister’s Assistant Arturo Rubio Selected

We think Bishop Harada reached out to Arturo Rubio because of the Dharma messages Arturo has posted in Spanish as part the series, Budismo en Español. The effort began a year and nine months ago. (Arturo also supplies the Sangha with video messages in English too.)

At the urging of our now-retired resident minister, Rev. Kenji Akahoshi, Arturo began recording Dharma messages in Spanish in late 2020.

Arturo will continue to post new Dharma messages for us in English AND Spanish. In the meanwhile he is also on a certification track as a Minister’s Assistant.


About Dial the Dharma

Some of you know that you can call each week for a new Dharma Message from Bishop Marvin Harada by phone. The idea is to support BCA members who may not have easy access to a computer or smartphone to watch video messages. The program was started in the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic. Not every BCA member has a computer. and are not able to see the many Dharma messages now available as online videos. A new Dharma message is available to callers every week.

Please tell any of your friends who do not have computers about this toll-free access to Bishop Harada’s messages.