2022 Eitaikyo Letter (as in Kaiho)


If you missed the Eitaikyo letter in our November Bussei Script, we repeat it here, and also link to the letter for use as a request form if needed.

Dear Sangha Members and Dharma Friends:

The Buddhist Temple of San Diego (BTSD) will hold its annual Eitaikyo (Perpetual Memorial) Service on Sunday, November 13. The service will take place in-person and be livestreamed on the temple’s YouTube page. Contact the office for the livestream link if you will not be able to attend in-person.

Reverend Landon Yamaoka, assistant minister, from the Palo Alto Buddhist Temple will pay BTSD a visit inperson and deliver the Dharma message.

Established over 60 years ago, Eitaikyo literally means the perpetual chanting of the sutras and honors all dedicated members and Dharma friends whether known or unknown, in perpetuity, who devoted themselves for the spiritual welfare of BTSD. The sutras are chanted during the Eitaikyo service in memory of loved ones with deep appreciation and gratitude. A list of all Eitaikyo honorees appear in this month’s Bussei Script.

Families are encouraged to establish a fund, in perpetuity of loved ones who are not part of the Eitaikyo Fund program. New names will be added to the Eitaikyo book that is located in the onaijin (center of worship) next to the image of Amida Buddha. Establishing a fund in the name of a family member who is living will also be accepted.

A suggested minimum contribution of $100 is required to record a new name earmarked for Eitaikyo remembrance. Future donations of any amount towards the fund will be accepted with the deepest amount of appreciation and gratitude.

The minimum contribution will increase to $300 beginning in 2023.

The Eitaikyo Fund is constrained so that it cannot be used for general temple operations. Funds may be used for the sole purpose of maintaining of religious articles in the Onaijin or in case of an extreme emergency.

Included with this mailing are two envelopes. [Note: If reading this on our Website, it’s fine to use whatever envelopes are at hand.] Please use the blue envelope for your donation to the Eitaikyo Fund. The white envelope is for your Eitaikyo Service offering. The temple wishes to thank all of the families for their heartfelt consideration and continued support towards Eitaikyo.

The temple looks forward to your participation.

In Gassho,
Buddhist Temple of San Diego

Download the Letter with Request Form

Please click here.