Welcome Rev. Landon Yamaoka for Eitaikyo Sunday, November 13

We welcome Rev. Landon Yamaoka as our Guest Speaker for the Sunday, Nov. 13 obserance of Eitiakyo. Rev. Yamaoka ia Assistant Minister at the Palo Alto Buddhist Temple.

Sunday’s service will be officiated by our own Rev. “Smitty” Smith, and includes the All Life Forms Memorial Service, a San Diego tradition for decades. Dharma School Superintendent Nancy Martinez will be chairperson.

About Eitaikyo

Our Eitaikyo Service brings together a special honor for our loved ones with the need to ensure that the Temple will be able continue to share the Dharma. Honorees are placed on an Eitaikyo list kept in the Temple Onaijin or altar area. Sangha interested in honoring a loved one in this way may cotact the Temple for more information.

About All Life Forms Memorial

Recognizing the value of all living things, the Buddhist Temple has long held an All Life Forms Memorial, Dharma School youth as well as adults are able to share the name of a pet or other living thing now gone from our lives.

Attend Service In-Person

We ask all attendees to remain masked indoors and to refrain from attending if recently showing signs of illness. We do t his for the safety of our Sangha, which includes people at risk. The service starts at 10 a.m. in the Hondo {Main Hall} on the top floor of our mian building.

Watch Us on Livestream

Alternatively, you may log onto our YouTube channel just before 10 a..m. We sometimes run into issues livestreaming, so we apologize in advance if we are not able to livestream successfully.


About Rev. Yamaoka

 Rev. Landon Yamaoka is an Assistant Minister at the Palo Alto Buddhist Temple (PABT), where attended as a Dharma School student and member of the Sangha. At PABT he has taught Dharma School since 2005 and served as Jr. YBA advisor. He has helped plan and run converences for PABT’s College YBA, YABA, and BCA’s TechnoBuddha groups. 

By profession Rev. Landon was an educational counselor and life skills counselor for a Drug Rehab group home, helping to rehabilitate youth and teach them about healthy living. Other work has been with the Japanese Community Youth Council, which is a nonprofit community organization dedicated to serving the children, youth, and families living in the San Francisco Bay Area. In that capacity he assisted with high school leadership development, teen summer camp, and college clubs.

Rev. Landon has a B.A. in Anthropology, with a minor in Sociology, from the University of Arizona and is completing the Master of Divinity program at the Institute of Buddhist Studies in Berkeley. He received Tokudo Ordination in 2019 and Kyoshi Certification in 2022.