BCA Bishop Harada Shares Reflections on Invasion of Ukraine


People of the world have watched with pain and horror at the invation of Ukraine by its neighboring country, Russia.

Bishop Marvin Harada shares his reflections on the events taking place in Ukraine in a thoughtful post on the BCA Website. He laments the history of war and violence against peaceful people in a thoughtful reflection suffused in the context of world history and the beneficial impact of the Dharma, he closes with these words:

The Dharma was transmitted across the Asian continent for the past 2,500 years despite opposing rulers and kingdoms. It has been transmitted secretly amidst caves. It has been transmitted during the internment camps. It has been transmitted even in the wake of the atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

It is my hope and aspiration that the Dharma will flourish, such that there will be more world leaders who have an appreciation of the Dharma, and will find it appalling to invade another country like we have seen in Ukraine.

All the more — there a need for the Buddha-Dharma in this world.

Read the full statement here.

On a local note, the Board hopes to soon identify an appropriate source of donations to support the people of the Ukraine.