REGISTER NOW Free Seminar on Buddhism & Children's Books
Register here and now for Saturday, January 8, 11 a.m. to 1 p.m., MAKING THE DHARMA CONNECTION.” This seminar will explore how children’s literature — and what we teach children from an early age — will connect children to the teachings of the Dharma as they grow and develop.
Here is practical advice on how to make the Dharma relevant, meaningful, and applicable to even our youngest through children’s books.
Download the flyer here or by clicking the image, right.
Kiyo Masuda
Kiyo Masuda is a retired educator. Since her retirement, she has been working on this project, “Making the Dharma Connection through Children’s Literature.”
With the support and assistance of the Palo Alto Dharma School teachers, the “Essential Teachings” and children’s literature resources were developed. Kiyo strongly believes that the dharma must be taught from an early age, while children are still toddlers, in order for them to natural-ly develop a Jodo Shinshu under-standing of life. This is particularly important in today’s troubled world.