Join Us for Ho-Onko Sunday, January 15 at 10 a.m.


JOIN US for this important observation of the memorial for Shinran Shonin, the founder of our sect. who passed away January 16, 1263. 

Rev. Hōkai "Smitty" Smith will officiate and provide the adult Dharma talk. She will be assisted by co-officiant Rev. Shidou Laverne Imori. Nancy Martinez, Dharma School Superintendent, will chair the service and provide the Dharma School message to our youth. Robert Yamamoto, guitarist, will provide accompaniment and musical interludes.

You may see the Japanese name of this service shown variously. Often we list it as Ho-Onko to make it easier to pronounce. The precise listing in roman characters, Hōonkō (報恩講), is pronounced with three syllables, as in hohh-ohn-kohh. The first and third "o" are elongated. In the word hōonkō; 'hōon' (報恩) means "return of gratitude" and 'ko (講)' means "to clarify the meaning of" or "gathering."

If you are not able to join in person, we plan to livestream the service in real time on our YouTube channel page.


       Optional: 9:15 a.m., BTSD Chanting Group, New members welcome.
10:00 a.m. Ho-Onko Service
10:40 a.m. Dharma School students excused to practice song for New Year's Party
                   Adults remain for rest of service
11:30 a.m. or later the service will conclude, followed by
Temple New Year's Party in the Annex Hall.

COVID PRECAUTIONS: Masks are required to enter the Hondo (Main Hall or Sanctuary) and recommended elsewhere. We may ask for contact information only to alert you if we learn later of a possible exposure.

We hope to connect with you on Sunday! If you are not able to join us in person, please check for our livestream of the service, starting at 10 a.m. on our YouTube Channel at

All ages are welcome to join in-person without prior registration.

In this memorial service for Shinran Shonin, we celebrate
our founder for his teachings on the Nembutsu path, and
the importance of Amida Buddha in our lives.