Kenji Sensei's Zoom Discussion Handout, Pt. 2: May 23, 2023

Handout for May 23 Now Available. Download here.

Handout for May 9 xdxxion. .Download here.

Our former Resident Minister, Rev. Kenji Akahoshi, Retired, recently sent a note to our Sangha which we wanted to share here:


Hi All,

I [will be presenting a] May 9 & 23 Zoom Dharma Talk/Disc. Class, from 7:00-8:30 PM.  It will be a contemporary interpretation of Shin Buddhism.  I will send out a reminder next Sunday with a handout attached.  We will include questions and discussion.  Take care.


Kenji Sensei


If you are interested in attending one or both of these sessions, please contact the Temple for the login information, care of or 619-239-0896.

For background, the class was developed for presentation to the Buddhist Temple of San Jose, and is open to other interested parties. Kenji Sensei continues to further the Dharma even in his retirement, and is a frequent proponent of a revitalized approach to sharing the Dharma.

When his handout becomes available, we will update the article with a link.

Article posted by Bill Teague