Special BEC Event: Film, Lunch, and Discussion, Sunday March 24
On Sunday, March 24, following the service the Temple welcomes the Ichi-Mi group from the Gardena Buddhist Church to show us a short film, share lunch, and conduct a discussion on the film and what it means for San Diego. This event is sponsored by our Buddhist Education Committee.
The film itself runs just under 30 minutes with interviews of BCA ministers and families on avoiding unknowing older prejudices in our Temples against LGBTQ+ community, especially as the BCA is as represented in that community as society at large.
Events take place in the BTSD Annex Hall immediately following the Sunday Service. The goal is to start at 11:30 p.m. and finish by 2 p.m.
11:30 a.m. Show the short film A Profound Silence. We will stream the film on our large screen TV. All are invited. Dharma School will have appropriate activities for younger students so parents can attend.
12 Noon. Sponsored lunch, no donation required. Please RSVP to Temple by Friday, March 22, so we can get a rough count. Lunch includes all ages. Email or call.
12:30 p.m. Introduction of Ichi-Mi members and guided discussion with Q&A. Younger Dharma School students can return to the Dharma School supervised activity. We anticipate at least an hour of discussion if not more.
“There’s nothing that makes life worse for human beings than prejudice. And I think the prejudice against gay, lesbian, trans-gender, nonbinary people is so deep in so many people, that by working on this, I think we can get near the core of the human part of the problem.”
More Information
Following are details on the Ichi-Mi group, the film, the lunch, and the discussion.
About Ichi-Mi
Here is Ichi-Mi’s Mission Statement: .
We pledge our best efforts as Jōdo Shinshū Buddhists to provide a safe space for LGBTQ+ identifying people within the Sangha, their family members, and allies, in order to create conditions for everyone to safely hear the Nenbutsu teaching.
About the Name, “Ichi-Mi”
Ichi-Mi takes its name from the writings of Shinran Shonin in this passage from the Shoshinge. as written by Shinran Shonin.
When the one thought-moment of joy arises, Nirvana is attained without severing blind passions; When ignorant and wise, even grave offenders and slanders of the dharma, all alike turn and enter (the ocean of Amida’s Vow) They are like waters that, on entering the ocean, become one in taste with it.
Nō hotsu ichinen ki ai shin Fu dan bonnō toku nehan Bonjō gyaku hō sai e nyu Nyo shu shi nyu kai ichi-mi
Read more in Rev. Ko-e A. Umezu’s article on the BCA Website, “Illumined by the Wisdom Light of Amida Buddha.”
About the film, A Profound Silence
From the Vimeo website: “A short film produced by Gardena Buddhist Church Ichi-Mi that features Jodo Shinshu Buddhist voices from the LGBTQ+ community, family and allies. This video was made to be an educational resource for Buddhist communities who wish to promote LGBTQ+ awareness and acceptance.”
The Discussion
Members of Ichi-Mi will lead attendees in a guided discussion around the film and the issues it identifies. In doing so they help fulfill their mission, and they bring much experience to bear after hosting showings of A Profound Silence at many BCA temples.
About This Image
Don’t these flags look similar? On the left is a version of the Pride flag (among other popular variations). On the right is the Nepalese version of the Buddhist Flag, established in Sri Lanka almost 140 years ago. San Diego was given this Nepal flag as a special gift from visiting Buddhists. In contrast, the standard Buddhist flag (see below) has one difference in its use of colors in the fifth vertical color band. The standard flag uses orange, and not purple.