Join Us for September Memorial (Shotsuki Hoyo) and Fresh Dharma

Events take place in our Hondo {main hall) 
on the top floor, unless otherwise stated.

 Schedule and Personnel

9:00 a.m. Chanting Practice in the Hondo. Optional. New members welcome.
10:00 a.m. Shotsuki Hoyo Family Service in the Hondo 
                   First Day of Dharma School

Rev. Maribeth Smith will be our Officiant and Dharma leader
Nancy Martinez will be the Chairperson for the Service
Rev. Smitty will give both the Children's and Adult Dharma Talks
Rev. Noriko Kawai will give the Japanese Dharma Talk
Trishia Carinio will be the musical accompanist 

The livestream is scheduled to begin at 10 a.m.
 The service is expected to end by 11:30 a.m., and at that time we encourage you to join us downstairs in the group dining area for light refreshments

For any guests with questions, our MAs will remain in the Hondo for your convenience.

Hospitality is just one floor down from the Hondo,
in the Dining Room on the Office Level.


There is only a week left to sign up for the Keiro Kai luncheon, so please sign up in the office, or give us a call.   If you know a Keiro Kai member, you might call and check on them.  The luncheon is on the 15th after the O Higan Service.  We need a head count for the food the temple is providing. 
                                             Thank you

Please Sign Up for the Southern District Conference
On our Website, in the BTSD Office, or by Phone.

Saturday, Sept. 28, Triple Gem Ceremony (The Three Refuges) with Rev. Gregory Jundo Gibbs, 3 p.m. Orientation, 4 p.m. Ceremony
Learn more on Temple Website or email Temple at to not your interest.

LEARN ALL MONTH about Buddha, Dharma, and Sangha at Buddhism 1-2-3. We meet by Zoom every Wednesday night at 7 p,m, To sign up for weekly reminders with the link, click here