Sunday Services @ 10 am, Aug. 11, 18, & 25; Wed. Zooms @ 7 pm

Learn More about the Foundation of All Buddhist Schools

In August we welcome new and recent Dharma Friends to learn more about the early teachings of the historical Buddha. These teachings are the foundation of all Buddhist schools, not least of which if our own Pure Land tradition, Jodo Shinshu, or Shin Buddhism.

All Sangha Invited. Current Sangha members should join to be reminded about the direct teachings of the great sage, Shakyamuni Buddha

To fit your schedule, we are using Sunday mornings for in-person services and Wednesday evening Zoom sessions to cover this topic. The two series complement each other. If you are able to attend both, you will always be hearing new content.

Sunday Services – Last Three Sundays, August 11, 18, 26
(No Service Aug. 4)

Services Start at 10 a.m. (70 minutes)

What to Expect: Bill Teague, Certified Minister’s Assistant, will lead the first second and third .Sundays in August and Rev. Laverne Imori, the last Sunday. You will find

  • Informal, “Explain as You Go” approach will identify aspects of the service and how they are meant to prepare ourselves spiritually to receive and understand the Buddha’s teachings.

  • We will discuss offering incense, the theory behind chanting sutras, the Middle Way, and more.

  • Questions and Answers in real time.

  • Light refreshments to follow.

  • Session may be livestreamed with attendees off-camera.

Wednesday Evening Discussion Class Every Wednesday in August

Zoom Only Sessions Start at 7 p.m. (90 minutes)

What to Expect: Bill Teague, CMA, is currently scheduled to lead all sessions. Chanting and meditation will proceed the discussion.

  • Sign up for email link to Zoom session.

  • Discussing such basic Buddhist concepts as self, karma, birth and death, meditation, and mindfulness.

  • Bring your questions and insights.

  • Sessions will not be recorded.

Questions? Contact the Temple office at 619-239-0896 or, or Bill Teague, Coordinator, at 619-248-3749.