Buddha Spotting: Buddhism 1-2-3, Sept. 20 @ 7 p.m.

Which Buddha Is Which?

This month we are looking at how the Buddha has been depicted in images and statuary.

Last week we saw how it took centuries before Buddhists began to include an image of Buddha in their worship.

This week we consider how Buddhist icons and figures proliferated, such that it is sometimes difficult to distinguish one Buddha (or Bodhisattva) from another.

We start out easy.

Amida Buddha? Shakyamuni Buddha?

And then we go into the numerous Buddhas and Bodhisattvas that exist in the greater Mahayana tradition.

With Bill Teague, Certified Minister's Assistant
Live via Zoom
Start 7:00 p.m., Finish by 8:30 p.m.

For login information, please send an email to Bill Teague, at btcomms@cox.net.

More on Buddhist Images and Icons

This Sunday, Carving the Divine documentary; Next Wednesday, live interview with director of Carving the Divine during Buddhism 1-2-3.

See the San Diego Premiere of Carving the Divine, which documents the challenges of maintaining a thousand-plus year Japanese tradition of carving Buddhist images from wood.
 The movie is free, with a lunch that is a fundraiser for Maui Wildfire Relief. Learn more.

Our Tri-Temple Seminar includes Rev. John Iwohara, of the Gardena Buddhist Church as Keynote Speaker, and Rev. Gregory Gibbs, our supervising minister from the Pasadena Buddhist Temple, as Panel Moderator.
Completing the panel are 

  • Rev. Hokai Smith, Buddhist Temple of San Diego

  • Arturo Rubio, Certified Minister's Assistant, Buddhist Temple of San Diego

  • Rosalyn Dong, Certified Minister's Assistant, Vista Buddhist Temple.

Learn more