RESCHEDULED: Anti-Asian Violence: A Zoom Conversation, NOW August 29, at 11:00 a.m.

The Temple apologizes for a computer crash that lost our signups for this important event. We ask you to send your request in a second time, for the event now taking place on Sunday, August 29.

Anti-Asian Violence: World War II and Today

Expand Your Awareness

Join the conversation with Kenji Sensei and Temple Member Kay Ochi on this important topic.

RESCHEDULED: Sunday, August 29, from 11 a.m. to 12 noon.
How: Online via Zoom. Request your login now by emailing
What: The History and Current Drivers of Anti-Asian Violence
Why: 2020 and 2021 have been extremely challenging years. We’ve suffered the pandemic and an upsurge in anti-Asian hate and violence. Please join us for a sharing of thoughts.

Attendance Is Free but You Must Pre-Register by Sending an Email to the Temple.

We will send you the Zoom link. Please request the link on a weekday before the event, as we don’t always have office coverage on the weekends, especially during the waning days of the pandemic.


More Information

Kenji Sensei is the resident minister of the Buddhist Temple of San Diego.

Kay Ochi has been active on multiple fronts in the Japanese-American Community and currently serves as one of the co-presidents of the Japanese American Historical Society of San Diego.

Expanded Awareness Talks (E.A.T.) are provided from time to time on topics important to our community, both live as in-person events (pre-pandemic) and currently by video or on Zoom. Past topics have touched on multiple health issues, including Covid-19, and more.