UPDATE: Watch Rev. Kenji Akahoshi @ Jikoen, Hawaii (Oct. 12)

UPDATE Jikoen has made Kenji Sensei’s address now available here:


Kenji Sensei discusses “Myth, Truth, & Science” with special attention to the question of retaining and attracting younger members to keep our Tempes healthy.

The recorded Zoom video runs one hour and 18 minutes. Sensei is introduced by Dr. Pieper Toyama.

See below for the earlier announcement for more information.

Jikoen Hongwanji Temple Hosts Zoom Seminar with a Rev. Kenji Akahoshi

Wednesday, October 12, 2022, starting at 10 p.m. Pacific Daylight Time

Topic: A 21st Century Interpretation of Fundamental Shin Buddhist Teaching

Some deep truths and their beneifts have been lost in translation. A contemporary context reveals the practical and spiritual of Shin Buddhism. Come, hear, and discover a process of awakening in everday life.

Send request for the Zoom link at jikoen1938@gmail.com.

Personal Note from Kenji Sensei

… I have been honored to present [two talks] in Hawaii... Since the talks start at 6:00 and 7:00 PM, in Hawaii, they will be 9:00 and 10:00 PM in California. I think they will be recorded and available later. Otherwise, I'll put you to sleep peacefully. The B-F talk -[Oct. 7] presents what I've been doing for a while. The Jikoen talk on Oct. 12 is a contemporary interpretation of Shin. I'm presenting the more spiritual aspects of Shin from a scientific perspective. This is the direction that I hope Hawaii and BCA will be taking in the future. Take care.
Kenji Sensei

Web Editor’s Note: We will post links to the videos as they are made available.