Kenji Sensei's Recommended Links to Learn More about Buddhism

Sensei recommends Everyday Buddhist, the BCA’s Center for Buddhist Education, and Todo Institute — not to mention our own website here!

He promised us links!

In a recent Dharma message, Kenji Sensei identiied different sources to learn more about Buddhism, all online and available now.

Everyday Buddhist. A project overseen by the Orange County Buddhist Church, there are courses at all levels of understanding. (December 2020 update: The business model now is on a subscription basis, more like Netflix or HBO. All content is available with the subscription.)

Everyday Buddhist.

BCA’s CBE. These two acronyms stand for the Center for Buddhist Education, run by the Buddhist Churches of America. The link of is a starting point but the below link is quicker.

Center for Buddhist Education

Todo Institute. Pronounced toe-doh, the insitute promotes traditional Buddhist practices to foster mental health.

Check out the Todo Institute here.

Buddhist Temple of San Diego. Kenji Sensei recommends our Video Page, accessible from the menu above or you can lick the link following.

Temple Video Page