Contratulations Temple Member Claudia Poquoc on Poetry Book Publication

Loaner Copies of Mangos without Borders Available at Temple Office

Many Temple members know Claudia Pocuoc, who joined the Temple some years back. Her second book of collected poems, Mangoes without Borders, was published early this year.

Several of you asked about it, and we have several loaner copies available for borrowing during Office hours. Please call Llinda Redenbaudh in the office (619-239-0896) to make sure we’ll be open when you want to come.. Please come masked as requested by the Temple Board.

The book is filled with personal observations and experiences, some of which draw from her experience with Buddhism, including “Does a Cat Have Buddha Nature?”

Claudia’s earlier books include Becomes Her Vision, with companion CD (2004), Keeper of the Fields (2014), and edited Stunned into Awakening (2017).