Two Saturdays of Zen and Shin!

The dialogue between the Japanese Buddhist traditions of Zen and Shin date back to the days when Dogen Zenji and Shinran Shonin were contemporaries for over 50 years in 13th Century Japan. And the dialogue has been celebrated by many BCA ministers, including former Bishop Koshin Ogui, author of compiled Dharma messages under the title Zen Shin Talks.

The BCA Center for Buddhist Education offers these two Seminars at no cost, on the two Saturdays March 6 and March 13 from 11 m to 1 p.m..

Letting Go: A Zen and Shin Approach to Liberation with Dr. Duncan Ryuken Williams is first. Williams Sensei is well known to San Diego Sangha members, and most recently visited our Temple for a book talk on American Sutra, a history of Buddhism during the Camp Experience. Williams Sensei is a bicultural, bilingual Soto Zen Priest and professor at the University of Southern California.

Zen Practice / Timeless Calling, Timely Response with Tenkei Coppens Roshi follows. Tenkei Roshi is the abbot at Zen River Temple in the Netherlands. He received confirmation in Zen from multiple teachers in the Nethernalds, the United States and Japan. Following his teachers, as with the late Taizan Maezumi Roshi of the Los Angeles Zen Center, Tenkei Roshi is conversant in both Soto and Rinzai traditions. This breadth is reflected in his book, Zen Practice / Timeless Calling, Timely Response: A Guide for Zen Buddhist Practice.

Learn more:

Click here for the flyer (shown above).


Register for March 6.
Register for March 13.