Virtual Tour of the Japanese Buddhist Temples in Hawaii on Saturday, Sept. 15, 7 PM
Japanese Buddhist Temples in Hawaii: Lecture, Slideshow, Banners, and Reception
On Saturday, September 15, please join us in the Annex Hall at 7:00 pm for this special presentation and slideshow with Drs. George Tanabe and Willa Tanabe. The event is free and open to all, with a reception to follow.
The Drs. Tanabe will co-present their findings on visiting and researching every Japanese Buddhist Temple in Hawaii (90 in all) to reveal through detailed illustrations the meanings behind Temple art, images, and architecture. The presentation distills their findings from their book, Japanese Buddhist Temples in Hawai'i: An Illustrated Guide (Honolulu, Univ. of Honolulu Press, 2012), shown right.
Reception to Follow
We expect the presentation to last some 90 minutes. Immediately following the presentation we invite all to stay for a Hawaiian themed reception, also in the Annex Hall.
Sign up on Facebook
Join us by signing up on our Temple Facebook page here. The event is free of charge and open to all.
Special Banner Exhibit
Throughout the Annex Hall for the lecture and on display around the Temple in the days before and after the lecture are a series of pictorial banners of photographs with details on the common elements – both architectural and decorative – that are found in Hawaii’s Temples.
George and Will Tanabe make their home on the Oahu countryside, outside of Honolulu.
About our Presenters
George and Willa Tanabe are both Professors Emeritus at the University of Hawaii, in Religion and Art, respectively, each with their own distinguished careers. George Tanabe is currently the President of BDK America and the Chairman of BDK Hawaii. In 2012 he was awarded the Imperial Order of the Rising Sun for his contributions to the understanding of Japanese culture. At the University of Hawaii Willa Tanabe served as Professor of Art and served as Dean of the School of Hawaiian, Asian, and Pacific Studies. Both are authors of important academic works; Japanese Buddhist Temples in Hawaii was their first joint title and serves as a popular tourist guide.
Ohigan Guest Speaker
Dr. George Tanabe is our guest speaker for the Sept. 16 Spring Ohigan service at 10 a.m. the morning following the lecture.
The Book
The Tanabes published the findings of their three-year project (visiting every Japanese Buddhist Temple in Hawaii) in the book pictured above, Japanese Buddhist Temples in Hawai'i: An Illustrated Guide. A limited number of copies of the book are available for sale following the presentation.
Appearance of the two Professors Tanabe in San Diego is made possible by BDK America, and for the banner display by The Hiroaki, Elaine & Lawrence Kono Foundation, with the cooperation of the Hawai'i Buddhist Council, Bukkyo Dendo Kyokai, and the Japanese Cultural Center of Hawai'i.
Please Tell Us on Facebook
For headcount, please let us know if you are attending! Many thanks.
Tell Your Friends and Neighbors
This presentation is free and open to all, and will be of special interest to San Diegans with roots in Hawaii or interest in Buddhism, as well as students of art and architecture.
Yes, We Will Accept Donations
As Buddhists we often have our begging bowl with us. The event is free but we welcome donations and instead of begging bowls will have our Jozai (donations box) in the Annex Hall; all proceeds from the evening will be applied to retire debt on our new solar panel installation.