Register Now for 3/19/21 Lecture with Rev. Dr. Kenneth Kenshin Tanaka

Free Lecture by Ken Tanaka on Friday, March 19

The Institute of Buddhist Studies (IBS) presents the Taitetsu Unno Memoral Lecture with a special address by Sensei Ken Tanaka on this timely topic:

Revisioning Shin Buddhist Teachings for Today

The subtitle for the lecture suggests that there is a new book on the horizon: “Thirteen Contributors to a Book, The Tide of Wisdom: Shinran’s Wisdom, Authentic Individuality and Social Engagement.”

When and How

The event is being offered Friday, March 19, from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. (Pacific Tme Zone), live via Zoom

The event is free and open to the public but please pregister to attend.


To register.

To learn more.

To read the prepared address (PDF).


About Rev. Dr. Kenneth Kenshin Tanaka

Dr. Tanaka received his PhD from received his doctorate from the Univeristy of California, Berkeley. He has served as a minister for the Buddhist Churches of America and Associate Professor and Assistant Dean at IBS. He then relocated to Japan to teach as Professor of Buddhist Studies at Musashino University, Tokyo, for over twenty years.

He currently chairs the Editorial Committee of the Chinese Buddhist Canon English Translation Project, sponsored by the Society for the Promotion of Buddhism (BDK). He was recently appointed Adjunct Researcher at the Hongwanji Comprehensive Research Center. He is past-president of the International Association of Shin Buddhist Studies.

Most of us know Tanaka Sensei from his book Ocean: An Introduction to Jodo Shinshu Buddhism in America, and other publications include The Dawn of Chinese Pure Land Buddhist Doctrine, and the recent Jewels: An Introduction to American Buddhism for Youth, Scouts and the Young at Heart. Click above on the “Learn more” link to read even more of his distinguised biography.


About the Late Rev. Dr. Taitetsu Unno

A prolific author and scholar, Rev. Dr. Unno was a graduate of the Univeristy of California, Berkeley, and Tokyo Univeristy. For forty years he taught in the field of Buddhist studies, first at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, then at Smith College, where he served as Department Chair and as the Jill Ker Conway Professor of World Religions.

He was the author, translator, and editor of numerous academic volumes and articles, but he is perhaps best known for his two works introducing Shin Buddhism to English-language audiences, River of Fire, River of Water: An Introduction to the Pure Land Tradition of Shin Buddhism and Shin Buddhism: Bits of Rubble Turned into Gold, as well as his translation Tannisho: A Shin Buddhist Classic.

In addition to his prolific scholarly career, Rev. Dr. Unno was also an ordained Shin Buddhist minister in Nishi Honganji tradition, and he devoted his career to working in Shin Buddhist communities across North America.


About the Taitetsu Unno Memorial Lecture; Honoring Unno Sensei

In honor of the Seventh Cycle Memorial for Dr. Unno (1929-2014), and with generous support from the Unno family, the Institute of Buddhist Studies is pleased to present this Memorial lecture. Moreover, in celebration of his life and accomplishments, IBS will honor Rev. Dr. Unno following lecture by announcing a a scholarship award to be made to an IBS student for outstanding work in a master’s level thesis.